Tag: device control

  • How to use external triggers on scientific and industrial cameras

    How to use external triggers on scientific and industrial cameras

    Controlling a camera from an external trigger can be very useful. External triggering provides greater timing accuracy, direct control over exposure duration, and remote operation from TTL devices. This is a prime reason I made the Triggerscope controller, so I though it would be useful to explain how this works and what you can do […]

  • Acquisition Speed Comparison of MetaMorph, NIS Elements, Micro-Manager

    Acquisition Speed Comparison of MetaMorph, NIS Elements, Micro-Manager

    How fast can a typical imaging system really run? What factors affect this? While most research might not require rapid sequential capture, almost all experiments can benefiet from tight exposure/illumination timing, yet few microscope users are aware of timing delays injected into experiments by the control software they are using. So how much delay is […]