Category: Imaging

  • Bio-X Course Follow-up

    Thanks to everyone who attended my first course on image processing (and acquisition as it turns out). As promised here are some links: – MBF Tools for ImageJ. This is a suite of processing and analysis tools, provided by the McMaster Biophotonics Facility, which can be used for, among other things, splitting apart pigment based…

  • Quick Image Merge in Elements

    If you want to merge multiple channels in Elements here is a quick solution: 1. Make sure you have the channel tabs activated. Do this by clicking the Edit menu, then Options. Select the “Appearance” settings. Make sure the “Show Channel Tabs” box is checked. 2. open or acquire the first image. In the lower…

  • Saving an image as you see it in Elements

    If there is one simple question I get during training sessions it’s “How do I save an image, so that I can open it using Photoshop or other programs, and have the image appear exactly as it does in Elements?”. The reasons for this are complicated. Suffice it to say if all you want is…

  • Elements release for Lumenera cameras

    Here is the latest build for Elements if you are running a Lumenera camera. Follow the directions explicitly if you plan on updating or installing without a local rep available! Download

  • Dynamic Graph Output for Elements

    Happy New Year! Laura Sysko from Nikon sent us a How-To on outputting live graphs that can be included with a timelapse or other ND file. You can find the How To Here.

  • Fluorescent Microscope for a Cellphone?

    Believe it or not researchers at UC Berkeley found a way to make it happen. It uses a simple excitation diode and emission system, coupled to a cellphone’s camera. They even have some examples of fluroescence! – Austin