Category: device automation

  • Instensity Calibration using a Photostable Light Source

    I’m very excited to announce Technical Instruments’  first ever camera-specific calibration product! At left is an image of the CC-560, or Camera calibrator, which emits photons at 560nm. All of the cameras in the microscopy world rely upon a single defining point that (theoretically) justifies the price premium we pay for them. That defining point…

  • SLR cameras for Microscopy

    Most of the time, I work with people who need measurable and accurate (quantitative) results from the images they obtain. While this constitutes the bulk of my daily job, there is a much larger group of people using cameras on microscopes for photomicrography. Or put simply – taking a picture of what you see through…

  • Micro-Manager 1.3 and Velleman Boards

    If you are running micro manager and need to control a device via TTL or voltage, there is a nice driver written for umanager along with an inexpensive A/D card. The Card I used for a recent project was the Velleman K-8061. I’ve written up a simple how-to on connecting the board to a windows…

  • Elements 3.1 Released

    Nikon has released it’s major revision of Elements in version 3.1. (Build 587). There are several new features in this build and from what i’ve seen it’s quite stable. You can download the build here. – Austin

  • What can programming macros do for me?

    I’ve been running into a lot of programming applications lately. The fun part about using the Elements (or other) programming system is the amount of utility and flexibility it can offer to end users. Most people think about programming in our industry only as it relates to image analytics. I wanted to point out some…