Dynamic Mirror Reflection Angles using Fusion360

SO I’ve been working with AutoDesk’s Fusion360 for a while now, and have found it to be an exceptional tool for diving into CAD. If you’ve considered CAD before, but have been scared off by the learning curve, I recommend checking it out. One of the important functions of a truly parametric CAD program is the need to reference objects to other objects, and to reference measurements to variables or other object measurements. I knew Fusion360 could handle parametric work, but hadn’t been able to figure out a solution to my particular problem, so, here’s a video on how I did it. Not sure if this is an accepted method conventionally, but it worked for me!

The problem I had was how to set up a reflection line, which was dependent on 2 inputs, the angle of an input source, and the reflection angle of a mirrored surface. I wanted to be able to drive these 2 input values, and have either of them affect the resulting reflection line. Here’s how it worked out.

[youtube width=”600″ height=”365″ video_id=”hVRhyYDPGr8″]




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