Category: TIRF

  • DIY emission filter for observer safety

    DIY emission filter for observer safety

    I can’t believe I missed this excellent post from Sam Lord @ Everyday Scientist on how to insert an emission filter on your ocular lightpath. Having been hit by some untold number scopes wherein I either was observing, and switched to a no-emission-filter spot on the dichroic turret, or where I was observing and for […]

  • Nikon nSIM wins #5 in TheScientist’s 2011 Best and Brightest

    Here’s a short video review of the top 10 innovations in 2011. Some really cool technology here! Top 10 Innovations of 2011 from thescientistllc on Vimeo.

  • How TIRF works on a Microscope

    TIRF is a widely used tool for effectively creating a super resolution instrument out of a standard widefield microscope. The cool part of TIRF is that it bypasses the limits of axial resolution on the scope not by altering the optics per-se, but by altering what gets excited. In a normal widefield fluorescent microscope, photons […]